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Admission Information for Bishopswood School 

In partnership with the Local Authority (LA), Bishopswood School admits pupils who have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). We welcome children from other Local Authorities as well. 

Parents who are considering Bishopswood School for their child are invited to visit us. To arrange a visit, please call our school office at 0118 972 4311 

All requests for a place at Bishopswood School are managed by the Education Officer at the LA. Admission is limited to pupils with an EHCP who meet the criteria of Severe Learning Disabilities (SLD), Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD), complex needs, and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as per the OCC Special Admission criteria. The Education Officer will submit a request for a place, and the decision is made by the Headteacher and Chair of Governors based on the child's needs and the availability of places. 

We offer places throughout the year to pupils of eligible age. Pupils transferring from other foundation provisions may be considered for a place in the primary department in the term they turn 5 years old. Early and late transfers between departments are also considered based on the individual needs of the child.